STORY: At the time of the deportation, the government of then president Moon Jae-in called the fishermen "dangerous criminals" who had killed colleagues in a fight over an abusive captain on their ship before crossing the sea border.
South Korea's presidential office on Wednesday also denounced the repatriation of two North Korean fishermen in 2019 as a potential "crime against humanity" by the previous government.
Human rights activists have condemned the repatriation, and a U.N. investigator said South Korea had probably violated the men's rights.
While their fate has not been confirmed, there was an expectation their rights would be violated when they were turned over to North Korean authorities, a U.N. rights official said during a visit to Seoul last month.
추방 당시 문재인 정부는 어민들을 '위험한 범죄자'라고 불렀다.
현재의 대통령실에서도 이러한 2019년 북한 어민 2명의 송환을 전 정부의 '반인도적 범죄'로 규정했다.
인권 운동가들은 송환을 비난했고, 유엔 조사관은 한국이 남성의 권리를 침해했을 가능성이 있다고 말했다.
이들의 행방은 확인되지 않았지만 북한 당국에 이양될 경우 인권이 침해될 것이라는 예상이 있었다고 지난달 방한한 유엔 인권 관계자가 말했다.
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