핫게 실시간 커뮤니티 인기글
종합 (4109982)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
변비엔당.. | 25/01/31 12:54 | 추천 11 | 조회 1396

아직 날지 못해 뛰어 간다 +162 [4]

오늘의유머 원문링크 https://m.todayhumor.co.kr/view.php?table=humorbest&no=1778406


다른 부엉이 찍다 얼결에 뛰어 가는 애기 부엉이 포착

Photographer Hannie Heere was photographing barn owls when she captured an unusual shot of a baby barn owl running across grass. Barn owlets start flapping their wings at seven weeks, making short flights around the nest at eight weeks..



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