Capuozzo | 14:22 | 조회 0 |루리웹
치르47 | 14:24 | 조회 0 |루리웹
히로세군 | 14:22 | 조회 0 |루리웹
새대가르 | 14:20 | 조회 0 |루리웹
하샤아웨이 | 14:21 | 조회 0 |루리웹
데스티니드로우 | 14:18 | 조회 0 |루리웹
루리웹-9937496204 | 14:22 | 조회 0 |루리웹
비취 골렘 | 14:17 | 조회 0 |루리웹
쌈무도우피자 | 14:17 | 조회 0 |루리웹
듐과제리 | 14:15 | 조회 0 |루리웹
루리웹-1098847581 | 14:19 | 조회 0 |루리웹
올때빵빠레 | 14:19 | 조회 0 |루리웹
SCP-1879 방문판매원 | 14:19 | 조회 0 |루리웹
박성배 후보 | 14:16 | 조회 0 |루리웹
대지뇨속 | 14:17 | 조회 0 |루리웹
'아니...저 구멍은?!'
스테로이드가 동물의 공격성에 미치는 영향이나 뭐 그런 연구였겠네.
1996년부터 미국 국립보건원(NIH)은 매년 노스이스턴 대학에 300만 달러 이상을 지원해 스테로이드를 주사한 햄스터가 싸우는 모습을 관찰하고 현재 공격적인 청소년을 위한 약물이 스테로이드로 인한 공격성을 억제하는지 연구했습니다
번역 이상하긴 한데 공격성 관련 맞는듯
Anabolic steroid abuse captured headlines
during the 1954 Olympics, after Russian
weightlifters were given testosterone,95 and
became even more popular in the general
public in the 1980s.96 Now, steroid abuse is
most common in non-athlete male
weightlifters in their 20s-30s, 97 and, along with the misuse unfortunately comes greater
rates of anger and aggression.98
Unsurprisingly, the government wants to
tackle the situation by throwing money at
the cause. In fact, since 1996, the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) has annually
awarded Northeastern University over $3
million dollars to watch steroid-injected
hamsters fight to study whether current
drugs for aggressive youth suppress steroid-
induced aggression”.99
Instead of treating steroid-induced
aggression with even more drugs, don’t you
think it would be more beneficial for them
to stop abusing steroids altogether?
But this entire study raises an obvious
question: should we be injecting steroids in
rodents in the first place?