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변비엔당.. | 24/07/29 09:57 | 추천 10 | 조회 1309

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작가 이름이 Sergiu Ciochin? (프랜치인듯 하니 알아서 읽으시고). 몰도바에서 태어났지만 지금은 프랑스에 산답니다. 빛이 반사되는데서 영감을 얻는다고 하는군요. 밑에 영어 어쩌고 저쩌고도 읽어보세요.

Sergiu Ciochin? (born2001) is a painter from Moldova who now lives in Paris . He recently embarked on a journey through northern France, Paris, Portugal, Madeira, and Morocco.
Ciochin? is fascinated by the interplay of light and texture . He captures the sun in narrow streets, or casts dramatic shadows of trees onto buildings and paths. Employing an impasto technique featuring energetic, visible brushstrokes, he highlights the unique textures and patterns of each place.
“The places, people, colors, rays of sunshine, and the shadows they cast?these are what inspire me during my travels,” he says.


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