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(1923582)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
심문예술.. | 25/01/07 21:08 | 추천 65

UN 개입 요청서 한번씩 쓰고가라 +17

원문링크 https://www.ilbe.com/11565289865


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Letter requesting UNC intervention due to the risk of security and collapse of the Republic of Korea

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this petition to convey the voices of the people regarding the severe threats to South Korea's liberal democracy and national sovereignty. Currently, the Republic of Korea faces a grave situation where alleged political manipulation by China and North Korea has undermined the legitimacy of many members of the National Assembly. In this context, mass impeachments of the President and key ministers have led to the collapse of the separation of powers and the rule of law, rendering the government nonfunctional. Consequently, South Korea’s security system has been paralyzed, leaving the nation vulnerable to the military threats posed by hostile states. Thank you for your attention to
this matter. Best regards

(자신의 이름 영문)




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