Hello, I am a young adult from South Korea who strongly supports the solid alliance between South Korea and the United States. I recently noticed a strange, code-like video broadcasted for 0.2 seconds on a Korean TV station. It appears to be some kind of cryptographic message, possibly aimed at subverting the nation. I kindly ask for your thorough analysis of this matter. South Korea seems to be on the brink of collapse, and I sincerely request the United States' assistance.
다모두다 | 10:59 | 조회 10[0]
코끼리퐁듀xxxxx | 10:59 | 조회 22[0]
브레메인시브 | 10:54 | 조회 24[0]
핑크윈드밀키즈 | 10:51 | 조회 26[0]
bluejskim | 10:50 | 조회 23[0]
요시그란도시즌 | 10:48 | 조회 10[0]
호남조선공화국 | 10:48 | 조회 12[0]
어도어 | 10:48 | 조회 22[0]
찢테르테 | 10:46 | 조회 25[0]
남주 | 10:45 | 조회 17[0]
똘순이인형 | 10:45 | 조회 14[0]
생태계관리자 | 10:42 | 조회 15[0]
찢테르테 | 10:42 | 조회 16[0]
중고등학교폐지하자 | 10:40 | 조회 18[0]
전라도우파 | 10:40 | 조회 14