1. 신고링크
2. 신고내용 템플릿
Subject: Report Regarding a Concerning Individual Related to Korea’s Political Situation
I would like to report a matter regarding a concerning individual in relation to the current political situation in South Korea.
Recently, an impeachment motion against the South Korean President has been proposed, and some of its contents are deeply troubling. The impeachment motion states that the President’s actions of “antagonizing North Korea, China, and Russia” are grounds for impeachment. This appears to be an attempt to weaken the U.S.-South Korea alliance while strengthening ties with North Korea, China, and Russia.
The name of this person is (좌좀 영문이름 기입), who has long been not only pro-communism, pro-DPRK, and pro-China but also extremely anti-U.S., anti-Japan, and anti-liberal democracy. The person has consistently protested against the alliance between South Korea and the United States and has been vehemently opposed to the Trump administration.
I earnestly request that this person, who supports the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol in an attempt to weaken the South Korea-U.S.-Japan alliance and exhibits communist tendencies and extreme anti-American sentiments, be barred from entering the United States in the future as I believe this person could pose a significant threat to U.S. security if he was to enter the United States.
Please refer to the following links for your investigation;
(여기에 이 사람의 이번 탄핵찬성 및 과거 반미 친중 친북활동을 보여주는 신문기사 링크 및 증거 자료 등의 링크를 붙여 넣어라! 참고로 CIA신고 사이트에 파일첨부가 되지 않기에 링크를 붙여 넣어야 함!)
I kindly request that a thorough investigation be conducted regarding this person during the entry screening process and that appropriate measures be taken to reflect this in the immigration inspection.
P.S. Make America Great Again.
위에 포맷에 좌좀 영문이름을 기입하고, 그 사람의 이번 탄핵찬성이나 과거의 반미 친중 친북 성향을 표출하던 증거자료들을 찾아서 그 링크들을 붙여넣으면 된다.
그리고 전화번호 적는란에 국가번호는 82다.
초딩게이들도 쉬는 시간에 몇 사람씩 신고 쌉가능한 노무나도 쉬운 포맷이니, 게이들아 CIA신고 이제는 습관으로 장착하자!
주변 좌빨 연예인뿐 아니라 좌빨 직장상사 동료할 것 없이 일단 신고 박아라!
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