핫게 실시간 커뮤니티 인기글
(1890957)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
bluejski.. | 00:12 | 추천 69

CIA 신고할때 첨부할 글 썼다. 좌파가 친북, 친중, 반미라는걸 강조. 신고 고고고~ +6

원문링크 https://www.ilbe.com/11562204615

Dear CIA, I'm submitting the claim that this person has participated in the impeachment of the Korean President and potentially supports radical-left party policies/philosophies that are often pro China, pro North Korea and against USA. I'm sure the US government has already noticed that the impeachment of the Korean president is being controlled by the Chinese forces. Also, Korean citizens who have participated in the protests have recently been denied US visas and entry. So much is happening in Korea right now. Please refer to this quote by Gordon Chang who is a public figure claiming that Korean President is being impeached because he took a hard line against China and NK,  https://x.com/GordonGChang/status/1867035509081641400

그냥 인스타 링크랑 신고하는것 보단
우리나라 좌파가 민주당 지지하고, 민주당이 친중, 친북이고 반미한다고 썼다. 일론 머스크 x 링크까지 첨부
이래야 CIA 도 열받을듯. 같이 붙여서 신고해라

이 게이가 쓴 글에 내가 좀 더 내용 붙혔다


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