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폴라포냐.. | 22/10/10 05:58 | 추천 26

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A rookie San Antonio police officer was fired after he shot a teenager who was eating in a McDonald’s parking lot, leaving the 17-year-old in critical condition, the authorities said.
The San Antonio Police Department said that the former officer, James Brennand, was fired because of his actions during the encounter on Oct. 2. Body camera footage showed him abruptly opening the door of a car the teenager was in and opening fire moments later.
The teenager, Erik Cantu, was initially charged with evading detention in a vehicle and assault on a police officer, the department said. But the Bexar County criminal district attorney, Joe Gonzales, said during a news conference on Friday that he had dismissed the charges.

미국 텍사스주 샌안토니오라는곳에서 초보 경찰 제임스 브레난드가  맥도날드 주차장에서 햄버거를 처드시던 17살난 급식이를 총으로 쏴버림
경찰 매뉴얼대로라면 차 바깥쪽에서 운전자 창문 내려. 양손 보여줘. 차에서 천천히 내려...해야되는데
다짜고짜 가서 문을 열어버림
깜딱 놀란 잼민이가 강돈줄 알고  도망가기 위해 차 시동을 걸려고 열쇠를 만지는 순간 총을 잡는줄 알고 놀래서 쏴버림

평소 치킨 맥너겟 매니아였던 잼민이 에릭 칸투는 현재 병원으로 옮겨졌으나 위독한 상태
난데없이 총질한 경찰은 해고 당했고 현재 중범죄로 기소되어 재판을 기다리는 중임

아싸라서 매장에서 못먹고 차안에서 혼자 쓸쓸히 햄버거를 먹던 불쌍한 미국 베충군..
마음이 아프노 이기  ㅋㅋㅋ



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