핫게 실시간 커뮤니티 인기글
(1875146)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
라면은너.. | 22/09/07 18:23 | 추천 31

감응유전이라는 말 처음 듣고 외국 연구한 자료 찾아봤는데 +3

원문링크 https://www.ilbe.com/11437794766


Our results show that it is possible for a male to transmit features of his phenotype via non-genetic semen-borne factors to his mate's subsequent offspring sired by another male. Offspring adult body size was influenced by the environmentally induced condition of their mother's first mate, with no effect of the condition of the second mate, which sired a large majority of the offspring. This effect persisted even when analysis was restricted to the second male's progeny. Because no first male effect was evident when females were exposed to the first male without mating, we conclude that the effect is mediated by semen-borne factors rather than by female differential allocation based on pre-mating assessment of male quality. Our study thus confirms the possibilit of telegony via non-genetic (i.e. transgenerational plasticity) effects on non-offspring. The phenomenon reported here represents a new type of non-parental transgenerational effect and a novel source of variation in phenotype and fitness, with potential consequences for sexual coevolution.


In summary, we show that adult body size of offspring can be influenced by the phenotype of a female's previous mate rather than the genetic sire in Telostylinus angusticollis. This novel transgenerational effect (an example of telegony) appears to be driven by the condition-dependent influence of male seminal fluid on the development of immature ovules. The potential for such effects exists in any taxon characterised by internal fertilisation and polyandry, and such effects could influence the evolution of reproductive strategies.

곤충 신체 사이즈 가지고 실험했는데, 감응유전 있다고 결론내림

사람가지고 실험하기엔 샘플 구하기가 난해해서 어렵지만, 외국에서도 연구 꽤나 하는거보니, 학자들 사이에서도

연관성이 아예 없다고 배제는 못하는듯하다

이제 내 아이가 나랑 안닮으면, 감응유전 의심해볼만함. 



실험 과정 가설 샘플 사이즈 궁금한애들은 제일 위에

링크 걸어둠. 원리가 처음에 섹스할때 들어온 수컷의 정액이

여자 난자 생성과정에 영향을 미친다고 결론


왜? 내가 낳는 아이가 더 환경에 잘 적응할수 잇도록

처음 섹스한 수컷의 환경적 유전자 정보를 입력 한다던데 


뭐 전문 분야가 아니라 궁금한 게이는 직접 가서 봐라



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