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FREE_WIL.. | 22/09/05 03:51 | 추천 34

(속보) 미국 임원의 자살 +21

원문링크 https://www.ilbe.com/11437403377

Gustavo Arnal was the Chief Financial Officer of Bed Bath & Beyond, a company that has been going through struggles of late

미국 Bed Bath & Beyond 재무담당이사 (CFO) Gustavo Arnal (52세) 자살

Arnal jumped to his death from the 18th floor of a 57-story building in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood Friday

자살 방식은 투신

The city's EMS officials responded to the building, which was constructed in the late 2010s and has a unique 'Jenga'-style design, at around 12:30pm

18층 Jenga 빌딩에서 뛰어내려 즉사함

Gustavo Arnal, 52, was the Chief Financial Officer of Bed Bath & Beyond. He is pictured with his family during a boating trip he shared on social media

여우같은 마누라와 토끼같은 두 딸을 둔 아버지였음

Calls regarding the jump at 56 Leonard Street near Church Street came in at around 12:30pm, according to a spokeswoman for the NYPD

회사 직원 20% 감원, 150개 매장 폐장 발표 이틀 뒤 자살함


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