원문링크 https://www.ilbe.com/11422220622
키 175 이상
병무청 통계
10만명 + 5만명 / 30만명 *100
= 50%
체중 75 미만
대한민국남자표본 6천명 기준
체중 75kg 이하는 약 60% 이하
= 60%
허리 32미만
1인치 = 2.5센티미터
25~29 세 기준 허리평균 80cm = 33인치
25세 기준 허리둘레 32인치 미만 = 800mm 이하
= 약 55%
직장 공기업, 대기업, 7급이상공무원, 연봉 4500만원이상
( 공기업 + 준정부기관 + 기타공공기관 ) 전체 공무원수 = 약 44 만명
대한민국 2021 전체 근로자수 ( 정규직 + 비정규직 )
= 2100 만명
전체 근로자수 대비 공무원비율 44 만명 / 2100 * 100 = 2 . 0 %
전체 근로자수 대비 대기업비율 360 만명 / 2100 * 100 = 17 . 1 %
전체 근로자수 대비 공기업, 대기업 비율
= 19 . 1 %
연봉 4500만원 이상
전체 연봉대비 연봉 4500만원 이상 분포비율 상위 25%
= 25 %
부모 노후준비 되어있음
월 소득 115만원 이하인 빈곤하지만 않으면 상위 약 61%
= 61 %
부모랑 별거
전체가구 대비 부모동거 가구 비율 42.5 % 부모로부터 독립해도 57.5 %
= 57.5 %
얼굴 평범
약 상위 30% 예상
= 30 %
모은 돈 1억
전체 자산분포중 순자산 1억이상 모은 mz세대 분포비율 상위 35 %
= 35 %
인서울 4년제 이상
전체 대학중 인서울 후하게 쳐서 광명상가 까지 15 %
= 15 %
나이 35 미만
전체 인구나이분포중 mz세대 비율 33 %
= 33 %
적당히 가정적
조 이혼/혼인 율: 인구 천명당 이혼/혼인 비율
2017년 기준 전체 혼인비율중 이혼할 확률 38 %
이혼안할 확률
= 62 %
국산 중형급이상 차
승용차 기준 30대의 구매비율이 15%
20대는 30대보다 소득이 절대적으로 적기 때문에 자차구매비율 약 10% 예상
= 10 %
서울 혹은 분당, 평택, 동탄, 판교, 광교 거주
서울주택보유자 약 250만명 + 서울위성도시주택보유자 (1호선과 인접한기준) 약 500 만명 = 750만명
전체 인구비율대비 서울과 서울위성도시 주택보유자 비율 750 / 5000 = 15 %
= 15 %
곱의 법칙에 따라 이 모든 확률을 더하면 이상적인 남자의 존재확률을 알 수 있따
0.5 * 0.6 * 0.55 * 0.17 * 0.25 * 0.61 * 0.57 * 0.3 * 0.35 * 0.15 * 0.33 * 0.62 * 0.1 * 0.15 * 100
= 0.0000117 ... 약 십만분의 1
대략 대한민국 인구 10만명당 1명 정도 존재한다고 보면된다
사실상 이런 남자를 만나는건 로또 2등 당첨되는 수준이다
and <input type="checkbox" id="ee" checked="checked" />Eng
used to join words or groups of words
added to, plus
used to describe an action that is repeated or that occurs for a long time
Andorra (international vehicle registration).
fore and aft
at the front and rear (often used with reference to a ship or plane)
backwards and forwards
(of a sail or rigging) set lengthwise, not on the yards.
(of a road) constructed of logs laid end to end.
down and out
(of a person) without money, a job, or a place to live; destitute
(of a boxer) knocked down and unable to continue fighting.
a person without money, a job, or a place to live
cut and paste
a combination of the functions ‘cut’ and ‘paste’, by which text or data is moved from one place in an electronic document or compute...
move (text or data) from one place in an electronic document or computer system to another via the cut and paste functions
used to join words or groups of words
added to, plus
used to describe an action that is repeated or that occurs for a long time
Andorra (international vehicle registration).
fore and aft
at the front and rear (often used with reference to a ship or plane)
backwards and forwards
(of a sail or rigging) set lengthwise, not on the yards.
(of a road) constructed of logs laid end to end.
down and out
(of a person) without money, a job, or a place to live; destitute
(of a boxer) knocked down and unable to continue fighting.
a person without money, a job, or a place to live
cut and paste
a combination of the functions ‘cut’ and ‘paste’, by which text or data is moved from one place in an electronic document or compute...
move (text or data) from one place in an electronic document or computer system to another via the cut and paste functions
… where they can sing and shriek and talk in tongues and testify and have a part.
It was a superdeluxe pool, with levels and lights and fountains and waterfalls and alcoves …
Like a poem, a genuine essay is made of language and character and mood and temperament and pluck and chance.
… and in the chimney-corner, they all four quaffed, and smoked, and prosed, and dozed, as they had done of old.
Carlene's furniture was garish and awful and every shelf or corner held tchotchkes and gewgaws and other tacky trinkets.
{"mean":["<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;"><strong>and</strong><br/>used to join words or groups of words<br/>added to, plus<br/>used to describe an action that is repeated or that occurs for a long time<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;"><strong>AND</strong><br/>Andorra (international vehicle registration).<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">fore <strong>and</strong> aft<br/>at the front <strong>and</strong> rear (often used with reference to a ship or plane)<br/>backwards <strong>and</strong> forwards<br/>(of a sail or rigging) set lengthwise, not on the yards.<br/>(of a road) constructed of logs laid end to end.<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">down <strong>and</strong> out<br/>(of a person) without money, a job, or a place to live; destitute<br/>(of a boxer) knocked down <strong>and</strong> unable to continue fighting.<br/>a person without money, a job, or a place to live<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">cut <strong>and</strong> paste<br/>a combination of the functions ‘cut’ <strong>and</strong> ‘paste’, by which text or data is moved from one place in an electronic document or compute...<br/>move (text or data) from one place in an electronic document or computer system to another via the cut <strong>and</strong> paste functions<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicbridgeLine>","IDIOM","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;"><strong>and</strong><br/>used to join words or groups of words<br/>added to, plus<br/>used to describe an action that is repeated or that occurs for a long time<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;"><strong>AND</strong><br/>Andorra (international vehicle registration).<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">fore <strong>and</strong> aft<br/>at the front <strong>and</strong> rear (often used with reference to a ship or plane)<br/>backwards <strong>and</strong> forwards<br/>(of a sail or rigging) set lengthwise, not on the yards.<br/>(of a road) constructed of logs laid end to end.<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">down <strong>and</strong> out<br/>(of a person) without money, a job, or a place to live; destitute<br/>(of a boxer) knocked down <strong>and</strong> unable to continue fighting.<br/>a person without money, a job, or a place to live<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">cut <strong>and</strong> paste<br/>a combination of the functions ‘cut’ <strong>and</strong> ‘paste’, by which text or data is moved from one place in an electronic document or compute...<br/>move (text or data) from one place in an electronic document or computer system to another via the cut <strong>and</strong> paste functions<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicbridgeLine>","EXAMPLE","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">… where they can sing <strong>and</strong> shriek <strong>and</strong> talk in tongues <strong>and</strong> testify <strong>and</strong> have a part.<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">It was a superdeluxe pool, with levels <strong>and</strong> lights <strong>and</strong> fountains <strong>and</strong> waterfalls <strong>and</strong> alcoves …<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">Like a poem, a genuine essay is made of language <strong>and</strong> character <strong>and</strong> mood <strong>and</strong> temperament <strong>and</strong> pluck <strong>and</strong> chance.<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">… <strong>and</strong> in the chimney-corner, they all four quaffed, <strong>and</strong> smoked, <strong>and</strong> prosed, <strong>and</strong> dozed, as they had done of old.<br/></dicwordclass>","<dicwordclass style="user-select: text;">Carlene's furniture was garish <strong>and</strong> awful <strong>and</strong> every shelf or corner held tchotchkes <strong>and</strong> gewgaws <strong>and</strong> other tacky trinkets.<br/></dicwordclass>"],"word":"and","basicWord":"and","soundWord":"and","phoneticSymbol":""}