핫게 실시간 커뮤니티 인기글
(1872557)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
빨갱이없.. | 22/04/23 19:37 | 추천 75

문재인 763조 낭비 +17

원문링크 https://www.ilbe.com/11410222046

Korea's national debt exceeded 2,000 trillion won 2021

Korea's national debt exceeded 2,000 trillion won last year, and the Moon administration increased it by 763 trillion won

The national debt is larger than the gross domestic product (GDP) of 2057.4 trillion won, the total of goods and services produced by the Korean economy last year. Compared to 1433.1 trillion won at the end of 2016, before the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in government, 763.3 trillion won (53.3%)

In conclusion, it is like the Korean government did not live by earning, but by borrowing unconditionally.

It has been five years since they threatened companies to forcibly take money, distribute funds to North Korea, spend it on the luxury of the first lady, and spend the country money as if it were personal money.


Screenshot 2022-04-05 094423.png

출처: https://irvinejournal.com/News/4985

국가부채는 지난해 한국 경제가 생산한 상품·서비스 총합인 국내총생산(GDP) 2057조4000억원보다도 많다. 문재인 정부 출범 전인 2016년 말 기준 1433조1000억원과 비교하면 763조3000억원(53.3%)이나 늘었다
기업체를 협박해서 돈을 강제로 빼앗고 북한에게 자금을 퍼주고 영부인 사치하는데 쓰고 나라돈을 마치 개인돈인곳처럼 쓴 5년이었다.



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